Friday, May 11, 2012

Add Intention to Your Gifts

Welcome back. With Mother's Day just around the corner, then Father's Day and then my wife's birthday and on and on .... there always seems to be pressures to get the right gift for every occasion.
Sure, we are a plant retail store and sell all of the required accessories. However,  I am not about to try to persuade you that you must get this, and that and those for that special someone.  There are lots of excellent choices including something that you make and even, or I should say especially, your time.

Whatever you give, you can multiply the true value of that gift by giving the gift with intention. Think about your gift and think about the person who will receive the gift. How will your gift enrich their personal well being?

We belonged to the local chapter of the Taoist Tai Chi Society for a year. We enjoyed it very much and intend to rejoin when grand-parenting joys and duties are not as pressing. Going through the exercise routines is pretty straightforward; but the real benefit comes when you do each move with intention. Put yourself fully into each move with the intention that you are helping your mind and body. The results are multiplied. Likewise, add intention to your gifts.

For many years we have been helping clients apply the Chinese art or practice of Feng Shui to their situations with the proper selection and use of plants in their homes and offices. Many times the right plant in the right place is the 'cure' needed to help balance the chi or energy of their space.  However, to make any cure work at its best, the person applying the cure should do so with intention, believing that applying the cure will improve the situation. It does work and it does make a difference. Likewise, add intention to your gifts.

So, next time you are giving a gift, add intention to your gift. Both the recipient and you will feel and enjoy the extra value.

On a completely different subject, I have been having a bit of fun lately learning how to Tweet. So if you're into Tweeting, or want to be, follow me and let's start a conversation. My personal Twitter address is @BrianOsmond1 and I have just started a business account @PlantsForAll1.  I had to put the 1 after @PlantsForAll because a US garden centre chain 'took' @PlantsForAll; but that's another story for another day.

And one more thing ....
AP8 - Areca Palm Tree

We have posted a new web page featured plant on our web page at . We are offering an 8 feet tall Areca Palm Tree for $190 with a regular price of $225. Check it out on the "Featured Plant" page of our web site. That offer expires Tuesday, May 22.

Until I talk to you again. Enjoy life.

Brian Osmond
Plants For All

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